photo: Greg Pope

Arturas Bumšteinas


Organ Safari er et prosjekt som lydkunster Arturas Bumšteinas har videreutviklet siden 2008. Han har reist Europa rundt og samlet opptak av alle slags orgler, fra kirker, konsertsaler, platebutikker, gater, musikkskoler osv.  Utav dette har Bumšteinas bygd opp et lydarkiv som danner grunnlag for mange av hans akustiske og elektroniske komposisjoner og samarbeidsprosjekt med andre musikere. Denne spesielle framførelser heter "Rube Goldberg Variations" og består av et lydspor av en Rube Goldberg maskin (en komplisert mekanisk innretning som utfører oppgaver som ikke har noen funksjon), som igjen danner grunnlag for en landskaps-aktig komposisjon med fire musikere.


Gailė Griciūtė, orgelpositiv

Dominykas Vyšniauskas, trompet/flygelhorn

Ignas Juzokas, modulære sythesizere

Arturas Bumšteinas, lydspor

Arturas Bumšteinas fra Vilnius er en kunstner som arbeider i områdene kunst, musikk og lyd. Hans praksis omfatter performativ lydkunst, radiokunst, installasjoner, eksperimentell akustisk og elektronisk musikk. Han har vært med og grunnlagt ensembler som  Quartet Twentytwentyone og Works & Days Ensemble. Han har samarbeidet med kunstnere som Anton Lukoszevieze, Vladimir Tarasov, Žilvinas Kempinas, Gintautas Trimakas, Lina Lapelytė, Vaiva Grainytė, Piotr Kurek, Ivan Cheng og andre. Hans utstillinger og tverrkunstneriske prosjekter har blitt vist i gallerier og museer over hele Europa. Festivaler hvor hans kunst/musikk-prosjekter har blitt presentert omfatter f.eks. include Holland Festival, Unsound, Tectonics, Sensoralia/Romaeuropa, Angelica, Vilnius Jazz, Kody, Skanumezs, Cut & Splice, Sacrum Profanum, Ultraschall osv. Musikken hans er utgitt på labels som Bolt, Cronica, Unsounds, Con-v, Edition Telemark, Gruenerekorder and others. Han har mottatt EURORADIO “Palma Ars Acustica” prisen for sin radiokunst, og er fra 2019 kunstnerisk leder for Jauna Muzika festival i Vilnius.

Organ Safari is an ongoing project of sound artist Arturas Bumšteinas. Since 2008 he has been traveling around Europe, recording sounds of various organs in churches, concert halls, record stores, streets, music schools and other locations. From these collected recordings, the artist has built an extensive sound archive which serves as a source for his various acoustic and electronic compositions, improvisations and collaborations that involve other musicians.  This particular performance is entitled "Rube Goldberg Variatons". It consists of a fixed soundtrack of a Rube Goldberg machine (a complicated mechanism performing pointless tasks), and a group of musicians playing along with it. The various organ field recordings collected by Bumšteinas during his Organ Safari travels create the tonal ground for the playing of the musicians.  The whole sonic structure should be heard as an imaginary new instrument playing in an unexpected semi-defined ways.


Arturas Bumšteinas - organ field recordings

Gailė Griciūtė - positiv organ

Dominykas Vyšniauskas - trumpet, flugelhorn

Ignas Juzokas - modular sythesizer

Arturas Bumšteinas from Vilnius is an artist working within the fields of art, music and sound. His practices include performative sound art, radio art, installations, experimental acoustic and electronic music. He is founding member of various ensembles and groups such as Quartet Twentytwentyone and Works & Days Ensemble. He has collaborated with many international artists like Anton Lukoszevieze, Vladimir Tarasov, Žilvinas Kempinas, Gintautas Trimakas, Lina Lapelytė, Vaiva Grainytė, Piotr Kurek, Ivan Cheng and others. His exhibitions and interdisciplinary projects were presented in galleries and museums around Europe.Festivals where his art-music projects were featured include The Holland Festival, Unsound, Tectonics, Sensoralia/Romaeuropa, Angelica, Vilnius Jazz, Kody, Skanumezs, Cut & Splice, Sacrum Profanum, Ultraschall etc. His music is published by labels such as Bolt, Cronica, Unsounds, Con-v, Edition Telemark, Gruenerekorder and others. In 2013 he was awarded EURORADIO “Palma Ars Acustica” prize for his radio art. In 2017 Bumšteinas was an artist-in-residence at the DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogramm. Since 2019 Arturas is an artistic director of Jauna Muzika festival in Vilnius.