I dette samarbeidsprosjektet presenterer Cory Arcangel og Hampus Lindwall fire nye komposisjoner som tar sin inspirasjon fra metal- og tekno-kulturene fra 1990- og 2000-tallet.
Musikk av Hampus Lindwall: TERMS
Light Fandango (2019) for organ & tape
Brace for Impact (2020) for organ & tape
Musikk av Cory Arcangel: CONDITIONS
Breaks (2020) for organ & tape
Scrubs (2019-2020) for organ & laser
I LIGHT FANDANGO spiller Hampus orgel sammen med 1967-lydsporet av Procol Harum, A Whiter Shade of Pale. Denne låta - som ble nr.1 på britiske lister - inneholder som kjent en ikonisk orgelsolo. Hampus spiller nøyaktig det samme på orgel, nøyaktig samtidig som originalen. Fordi det ene er en innspilling og det andre et virkelig orgel, ikke helt likt stemt, blir resultatet noe komisk og ganske desorienterende.
BRACE FOR IMPACT er en håndbak-kamp mellom orgelet og et ferdiginnspilt spor med elektriske gitarer. Disse instrumentene deler en noe klisjéaktig identitet knyttet til lydstyrke og utøvernes tendens til "show-off". I dette stykket går de for den ultimate match.
BREAKS benytter en del kjente trommebreaks på en uvanlig måte. Et eksempel er Amen Break, et sample fra the Winstons sang Amen, Brother fra 1969. Dette beatet, berømt fra senere bruk i hip-hop og drum and bass musikk, blir sakket ned og klippet til ulike taktarter. Harmonikken bygges på maj7-akkorder som flyttes parallelt og forskyver det tonale senteret.
SCRUBS er et eksempel på en vanlig komposisjonsteknikk funnet i typisk Detroit tekno, hvor harmoniske og melodiske elementer aldri varer lenger enn to taktslag. Disse små cellene gjentas som ostinatoer, for å skape et energifylt rytmisk mantra. Intensiteten øker ved små endringer etter lang tids repetisjoner. Verket blir akkompagnert av en laserprojeksjon.
Cory Arcangel er komponist, kunstner og kulturentreprenør, fra New York, nylig etablert i Stavanger. Han studerte ved Oberlin-konservatoriet. Cory er en ledende eksponent for digital, teknologibasert kunst, tiltrukket av videospill og software både for deres evne til raskt å danne nye samfunn og tradisjoner, og samtidig for hvor raskt de blir avlegs. Hans arbeider finnes bl.a. i Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, MoMA i New York, Tate i London, og Berlins Neue Nationalgalerie. Arcangel mottok Kino der Kunst-prisen i 2015.
Hampus Lindwall er vidt anerkjent som tolker av ny musikk på orgel, og som kreativ improvisatør. Han er organist i Saint-Esprit kirken i Paris, hvor han etterfulgte sin berømte lærer Rolande Falcinelli. Hampus opptrer i hele Europa, USA, Kanada og Kina, og gjør samarbeidsprosjekter med f.eks. Noriko Baba, Raphaël Cendo, John Duncan, Leif Elggren, Mauro Lanza og Jesper Nordin. Han vokste opp med å spille elgitar i ulike rock, metal og jazzband og begynte med tangentinstrumenter og orgel seint i tenårene. Han har vunnet førstepriser i flere internasjonale improvisasjonskonkurranser.
For this collaboration, Cory Arcangel and Hampus Lindwall will present four new compositions drawing inspiration from both metal and techno cultures of the 1990s and early 2000s.
Music by Hampus Lindwall: TERMS
Light Fandango (2019) for organ & tape
Brace for Impact (2020) for organ & tape
Music by Cory Arcangel: CONDITIONS
Breaks (2020) for organ & tape
Scrubs (2019-2020) for organ & laser
LIGHT FANDANGO is a work for organ and accompanying audio track. Hampus plays organ along to the 1967 recording by Procol Harum, A Whiter Shade of Pale. The track - which went to #1 in Britain in 1967 - features a famous organ solo. Here, Hampus plays exactly the same organ part, at exactly the same time as the original. Because one is a recording, and the other is an IRL organ - which is not tuned the same way - the effect is a little comical, and at the same time very disorienting.
BRACE FOR IMPACT is an arm wrestling match between the organ and a pre-recorded track with electric guitars. Both instruments share cliché-like characteristics such as loudness, and tendency for performers to use the instrument to “show off”. Here they go for the ultimate match.
BREAKS makes an unusual use of several famous drum breaks. One such example is the Amen break, which is a sample from the Winstons 1969 song Amen, Brother. The beat - made famous for its use in hip-hop, and drum and bass music - is slowed down and cut into different time signatures. The harmonic language is built upon Major 7th chords that are moved in parallels, unsettling the tonal centre.
SCRUBS is an example of a common compositional technique found in typical Detroit techno, where every harmonic or melodic element is maximum two beats long. These small cells are repeated as ostinatos to create the energetic rhythmical mantra. The intensity increases by a small change after a long period of repetition. The piece will be accompanied by a laser projection.
Cory Arcangel (b. Buffalo, New York, 1978) is a composer, artist, and entrepreneur who lives and works in Stavanger, Norway. He received a BM from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music in 2000. He is a leading exponent of digital technology-based art, drawn to video games and software for their ability to rapidly formulate new communities and traditions and, equally, their speed of obsolescence. Selected exhibitions include: “Asymmetrical Response” with Olia Lialina which traveled to the Western Front in Vancouver (2016), the Kitchen in New York (2017), and Art Projects Ibiza in Ibiza (2017), “Be the first of your friends” at Espace Louis Vuitton München, Munich, Germany (2015), “Masters” at the Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh (2012–13), and “Pro Tools” at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2011). His work is included in many public collections, including the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, MoMA in New York, the Tate in London, and Berlin’s Neue Nationalgalerie. Arcangel received the Kino der Kunst Award in 2015.
Hampus Lindwall (b. Stockholm, 1976) is a composer and musician specialized in contemporary and experimental music. He studied the organ at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, and under the influence of Rolande Falcinelli he moved to Paris in 2002 and studied at the Conservatoire de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés as well as the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Lyon. As an improviser he is known for his use of live electronics, doing real time sound treatment. He has premiered music written especially for him by Cory Arcangel, Noriko Baba, Edith Canat de Chizy, Raphaël Cendo, Jesper Nordin, Per Mårtensson, and has collaborated with John Duncan, Leif Elggren, Studio For Propositional Cinema and Emily Sundblad. He won the 1st prizes in the International improvisation competitions “Orgel ohne Grenzen, Air Art 2003″ in Saarbrücken, Germany, and the “Prix Boëllmann-Gigout”, 2004 in Strasbourg, France. He plays concerts throughout Europe, in the U.S.A., Canada and China, and has released albums for Ligia Digital, Clean Feed Records and Firework Editions.